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    "count": 143,
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    "results": [
            "id": 3,
            "slug": "article-2",
            "title": "Nie zdążyłem na samolot z powodu opóźnienia autobusu. Co robić?",
            "content": "<p class=\"content\">Co się dzieje, gdy pasażer nie stawia się na lot?<br />W normalnych warunkach, niestawienie się na lot powoduje przepadek biletu. Konsekwencją takiego zdarzenia jest oczywisty brak możliwości dochodzenia odszkodowania. W momencie, w kt&oacute;rym lot rejsowy odbywa się zgodnie z planem, a konsument nie pojawia się w samolocie lub gdy odm&oacute;wiono mu wejścia na pokład, mimo że samolot jest jeszcze na pasie, lecz bramki zostały już zamknięte, linia lotnicza może odm&oacute;wić jakichkolwiek praw roszczeniowych. Przewoźnik wychodzi tu bowiem z założenia, że wina leży jednoznacznie po stronie pasażera. Czy aby na pewno?</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Pow&oacute;d ma znaczenie?<br />Jednak czasami zdarza się, że przyczyna sp&oacute;źnienia i niestawienia się w odpowiednim czasie na lotnisku nie leży po stronie pasażera. Dobrym przykładem jest historia pana Jana (imię zmienione), kt&oacute;ry kilka tygodni temu wybierał się lotem jednego z tanich przewoźnik&oacute;w do fińskiego Turku. Jako że nie mieszka on w miejscu, w kt&oacute;rym znajduje się lotnisko, musiał założyć dojazd na lotnisko odpowiednim środkiem transportu.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Pociąg, kt&oacute;ry został do lotniska doprowadzony linią bezpośrednią, nie zatrzymuje się w miejscowości zamieszkania pana Jana, więc jedynym wyjściem pozostał autobus. Kilka firm oferuje dojazd busami na lotnisko, co w założeniu ma być wygodne i przyjemne. Czas przyjazdu wypadał na 2 godziny i 15 minut przed rozpoczęciem obsługiwania pasażer&oacute;w wspomnianego lotu. Niestety, po drodze bus miał awarię, w wyniku kt&oacute;rej podr&oacute;ż wydłużyła się o kilka godzin. W efekcie na lotnisko pan Jan dotarł już po zamknięciu gate&rsquo;u.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Zgodnie z prawem linia lotnicza odm&oacute;wiła wypłacenia odszkodowania za lot. Jednak sp&oacute;źnienie wynikło z niedopatrzenia przewoźnika autobusowego, a więc jest niezależne od pasażera. Czy w takim wypadku pan Jan miał prawo domagać się odszkodowania od przedsiębiorstwa autobusowego, także z tytułu szk&oacute;d poniesionych przez niestawienie się na lot?</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">I co teraz?<br />Jak najbardziej. Zakres odszkodowania jest zależny od indywidualnych uwarunkowań oraz rzeczywistej szkody, jaką pasażer m&oacute;gł ponieść. Działanie ze strony linii lotniczej m&oacute;wi jasno &ndash; jeśli pasażer nie odbędzie lotu nie z winy przewoźnika lotniczego, odszkodowanie mu się nie należy. Dlatego swoje kroki należy niezwłocznie skierować do przewoźnika, kt&oacute;ry był realnym sprawcą op&oacute;źnienia.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Działaj od razu!<br />Wezwanie do zapłaty powinno być skierowane do przewoźnika autobusowego jak najszybciej. Jeśli wiemy, że tak się zdarzyło, musimy działać od razu. W tym wypadku mamy dwie drogi postępowania.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">1. Wystąpienie o odszkodowanie za op&oacute;źnienie</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Odszkodowanie za op&oacute;źnienie autobusu, busa czy innego środka transportu kołowego należy się z urzędu. Zgodnie z rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady UE z dnia 16 lutego 2011 r. dotyczącego praw pasażer&oacute;w w transporcie autobusowym i autokarowym jest ono uzależnione od czasu, jaki minął od godziny docelowego przybycia do przybycia faktycznego. W tym wypadku przewoźnik zwykle wypłaca pieniądze bez odmowy. Nie jest to jednak odszkodowanie za sp&oacute;źnienie się na samolot.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">2. Wystąpienie z pozwem o rekompensatę szk&oacute;d wyrządzonych przez sp&oacute;źnienie</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Aby takowe uzyskać, należy &ndash; na podstawie artykułu 361, paragraf 2 kodeksu cywilnego &ndash; zwr&oacute;cić się z pozwem sądowym o wypłatę odszkodowania i zadośćuczynienie szkody wyrządzonej przez powstałe op&oacute;źnienie. Dotyczy to strat, jakie poni&oacute;sł klient oraz korzyści, kt&oacute;re m&oacute;głby osiągnąć. Warto nadmienić, że przewoźnik nie może powoływać się na brak winy umyślnej powstałego op&oacute;źnienia, co potwierdza wyrok Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z dn. 2 grudnia 2008 r. (sygnatura: K 37/07).</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Warto pamiętać, że prawnie pasażer może uzyskać wsparcie, nawet w&oacute;wczas, gdy to nie linia lotnicza jest odpowiedzialna za op&oacute;źnienie oraz sp&oacute;źnienie się na samolot. Dzięki odpowiedniemu wsparciu może on odzyskać stracone pieniądze i domagać się wypłaty zadośćuczynienia tytułem korzyści, kt&oacute;rych został pozbawiony.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><img class=\"photo\" src=\"\" alt=\"Nie zdążyłem na samolot z powodu op&oacute;źnienia autobusu. Co robić?\" /></p>\r\n<p class=\"content photo-description\">Photo by <a href=\";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText\">Ashim D&rsquo;Silva</a> on <a href=\";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText\">Unsplash</a></p>",
            "lead": "Pasażerowie często korzystają z pociągu lub autobusu, jako środka transportu dowożącego ich na lotnisko. Wiąże się to z zagrożeniem spóźnienia na lot, w wyniku opóźnienia kursu pociągu czy autobusu. Z pewnością warto poznać możliwe rozwiązania oraz dowiedzieć się, jak reagować w podobnych sytuacjach.",
            "image": {
                "src": "",
                "alt": "",
                "src_x1": "",
                "src_x2": "",
                "thumbnail": ""
            "date": "17.03.2019",
            "author": ""
            "id": 2,
            "slug": "we-have-a-new-website-see-our-new-look",
            "title": "We Have a New Website! See Our New Look",
            "content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>Why no longer Op&oacute;ź</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">We want to fly to new heights and in order to do that we needed a refreshed layout. But what it means is not only an aesthetic change but also an even bigger effectiveness of operations and even more work we can do for you. We are a member of the company Passenger Rights and we believe that it is our passengers who are the most important. Because of that, we had to change so that we could offer you something new and better. We hope you will be satisfied with our work.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>What is new?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The entirety of the website is based on a new engine, thanks to which it will work even better. Air travel compensations are still the focus of our work and we are doing everything so that you can win your cases and recover money that should be yours. The new version includes not only the new and refreshed website but also a more efficient way of communicating, a greater transparency of operations, and greater possibilities. We want to help you get your 600+ back! That is why we have launched something new, to be even better at fighting for compensations from airlines.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>We still work the same</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">But the way we work is not changed! You spare just a moment to check if your case qualifies for a fight for compensation. Fill out the form, attach all the necessary documents, and send it to us online. We do all the rest for you! We analyse your case, call on the airline to make the payment, and, if a need arises, file a motion in court. The third step is now only to get your compensation and your additional funds for future flights or to be used as you see fit.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Use the new possibilities</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Learn what rights you have. The Passenger Rights Foundation takes care to make sure that every passenger knows what they can expect from a carrier. Remember that even in an event of a one hour delay you should receive an appropriate information. Every next delay or cancellation puts additional responsibilities on the airline: issuing food vouchers, compensation for the flight or switch to another flight. You have your rights and with us you can fight for them. Visit our new website - - and see that you are not left to your own devices. Remember to always keep track of our news and not to hesitate to consult us. We are here to help you.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Easier communication</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Thanks to opening our new website, we can more easily assist you in your fight for compensation. We have simplified our contact form and, what is more, now you can also call us. All so that you can get your compensation for a delayed flight much faster and much more easily. In each of the tabs you will find a different aspect of our work. Check out the terms and the price list and see how much you can gain and what you can count on. In the \"Foundation\" tab you will learn more about your rights and the work of Passenger Rights. In the FAQ, you will see the most frequently asked questions that can prove useful to you. Our new website means a transparency of operations and an ease of finding information.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Who are we?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">On our new website, you will find data from the best specialists in air law, international law, and domestic law, which means that you can be sure that any information you get from us will be binding. We do our best to perfect our staff and the new website helps us present them to you. Put your trust in us, just like thousands of people who have been with us for four years. Remember that you are entitled to indemnity or compensation which we are assisting with.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Do not hesitate before asserting your own rights. A cancellation of your flight is not just your problem. Knowing the industry, we want to get to anyone who needs help. We like to fly ourselves and we know how important it is to have a quiet flight and to reach the destination safely. That is why we are here - with our new look - especially for you!</p>",
            "lead": "Hundreds of hours devoted to discussing the possibilities, thousands of minutes of work on the details, hectolitres of coffee drunk during the works, and many a disagreement over the final effect. This is how we could summarise the battle we have fought to bring this change to you - show you our new layout and our new look. Finally, it is here! We are proud to present you with our new website.",
            "image": {
                "src": "",
                "alt": "",
                "src_x1": "",
                "src_x2": "",
                "thumbnail": ""
            "date": "15.03.2019",
            "author": ""
            "id": 1,
            "slug": "airport-charges-checked-baggage-change-of-name-wha",
            "title": "Airport Charges, Checked Baggage, Change of Name ... What Do We Pay for When Flying?",
            "content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>So that you will not want to change the information...</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Many airlines make it possible to change personal information on your ticket within 24 hours after the purchase. But not all of them do it and the time limit of one day is not very favourable either. That is why it is a good idea to be careful when it comes to those kinds of charges, since often a change of information after this date entails an added cost of even several hundreds of euros. Of course, they go into the airline's till.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Plane seat</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">While buying a ticket, many people have the impression that the seat is being assigned automatically. It is so for a reason. If you want to get a specific seat, you cannot wait for the check-in. You can make it happen faster by paying a special charge. If you do not do that, you have to wait for the computer to assign you a seat automatically.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Priority when boarding the plane</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Another way of making money by airlines is the introduction of the so-called priority boarding. By paying for this sort of service, you have the right to get on the plane first. Thanks to that, you do not have to wait in line and worry about crowds while making yourself comfortable in your seat. Comfort? Only a relative one, since you still have to wait for the last passenger to board the plane.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Old-fashioned boarding pass</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">If you do not prepare your boarding pass beforehand, that is print it out at home, many airlines will have a little surprise for you ... The prices for printing out a boarding pass at the airport are exorbitant and often several times higher than the price of the ticket itself. Add to that the lines you have to wait in to be able to do it, and it becomes clear that it does not pay to be old-fashioned.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Are you travelling with a baggage?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The reason for baggage allowances is clear - an even distribution and not too big a weight of the pieces of baggage will allow the plane to reach a proper balance and have a stable and safe flight. But the huge amounts one has to pay for exceeding this limit by one kilogram are daunting. It should not be surprising to see people put on three jumpers then. For example, for every kilogram of excess luggage in a popular airline referred to as a \"cheap carrier\" we will pay as much as 50 złotys. For checked baggage we have to pay extra. In the end, if you do not want to pay too much for luggage, you should take an economical approach to you clothing.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Transaction fee</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">One of the charges that are least favourable for the passenger is the transaction fee, that is a fee charged for all kinds of additional services, such as: informing the passenger about every delay, responsibility for a proper issuing of a ticket, or the possibility of applying for compensation. If it is not included in the price of the ticket, we may have a big problem when the carrier encounters difficulties. But a price of a ticket with this fee already included is often several times higher.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Here comes the change</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The beginning of the 21st century changed the aviation industry beyond recognition. It was in 2000 that airlines began to limit the services included in the price of a flight ticket. This is how free snacks disappeared, blankets, pillows, or headphones started to be available only after paying extra, and there appeared an additional charge for checked baggage. With time, airlines introduced more conveniences. Today, if we want someone to take care of our underage child who is alone on the plane, we have to pay several times more than the price of a standard ticket. After all, luxury has to have its price.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">When travelling on a plane, let us remember that within the ticket price airlines give us the minimum of decency. If you do not want to pay extra, check if the transaction fee is included in the price of the ticket. A prudent booking of a ticket will make for a successful journey and you will know what you can and cannot do. Then, you will be free to enjoy travelling in the clouds.</p>",
            "lead": "For quite a long time, passengers of various airlines have been wondering what aspects of flying they are not yet made to pay for. We pay for the ticket - that is obvious, but the so-called airport charges and additional bonuses we can purchase today, in the past used to be included in the price.",
            "image": {
                "src": "",
                "alt": "",
                "src_x1": "",
                "src_x2": "",
                "thumbnail": ""
            "date": "15.03.2019",
            "author": ""
    "total_pages": 15