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"count": 171,
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"id": 11,
"slug": "flying-while-pregnant-is-it-possible-and-when-and",
"title": "Flying While Pregnant - Is It Possible and When and How to Do It?",
"content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>Health above all else: when (not) to fly</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The risk connected with flying changes throughout the pregnancy. The best time to travel is the period between the 14th and 27th week. The first trimester is characterised by a bigger risk of miscarriage or foetal harm, whereas after the 27th week, the possibility of giving birth is increasing, which, during a flight, would mean a lack of medical help for the woman in labour and the newborn. Additionally, flying intensifies typical for the third-trimester symptoms like back pain or swelling of the limbs.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">In most cases, travelling on a plane is safe for a healthy pregnant woman. But it is important to remember to see a doctor before the flight and describe the purpose and length of the trip in detail. Women who suffer from general health issues or whose pregnancy is high-risk have to remember that air travel is not recommended for them unless a doctor decides that a flight will not cause an exacerbation of the ailments.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Not only medical adversities</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Often it is airlines that impose restrictions on flights for pregnant women. Before buying a ticket, it is a good idea to check the carrier's regulations, since there are no universal rules observed by all airlines. Usually, the regulations allow for travel up to a certain week of pregnancy and require a written consent from a doctor. A template of such document can be found on the websites of carriers but not only, since forms are also often available at OB-GYNs' offices.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Pregnant women aboard popular airlines' planes</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Even the most popular airlines have different policies when it comes to pregnant women boarding their planes. The popular among Poles Ryanair requires a certificate from an OB-GYN after the 28th week of pregnancy. Importantly, it ought to be drawn by a doctor no earlier than 14 days before the flight. After the 36th week, or, in case of a multiple pregnancy, after the 32nd week, flying is not possible.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">WizzAir has similar policies. Like its rival carrier, this airline requires a certificate from a doctor after the 28th week of pregnancy, but, unlike Ryanair's policy, it needs to be drawn no earlier than 6 days before the flight. Flying is completely impossible only after the 34th week (32nd for a twin pregnancy).</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The LOT airline does not require certificates from pregnant women. However, on its website, we can find a form which has to be filled out by pregnant women after the 32nd week. Lufthansa restricts flights only after the 37th week (28th for a multiple pregnancy). Still, it encourages women to travel with a certificate thanks to which it will be easier to understand the situation and provide proper help in case of complications.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Necessary luggage</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">While packing before travelling, it is a good idea to take into consideration a situation where the baby is born before the journey home. A written information from the OB-GYN, a packet with examination results and medical documents or maternity notes make for a kit which can be useful not only at the airport but also if any kind of medical consultation is needed during the journey.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>You can never be too careful</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Even when a doctor agrees for a pregnant woman to travel on a plane, a long journey (be it on a plane or by other means of transport) entails a discomfort and a risk of medical complications. Limited mobility is connected with the possibility of swelling of the legs and the formation of clots in deep veins. Therefore, one has to be careful to be in the most comfortable position possible during a flight and avoid tiring travels that last many hours.</p>",
"lead": "<p class=\"content\">Remaining active while pregnant is a very important issue for many women. Living at full speed allows not only to avoid occupational exclusion but also to make the best of one's free time without restrictions. But there are some activities which cause concern among both pregnant women and those around them. One of them is flying on a plane. But does flying really pose a danger to the health or life of a pregnant woman and her child?</p>",
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"date": "29.07.2019",
"author": ""
"id": 10,
"slug": "jet-lag-how-to-cope-with-it",
"title": "Jet Lag - How to Cope with It?",
"content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>What is jet lag and what causes it?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Jet lag is observable after travelling on a plane. It appears most often when the passenger traverses several time zones, flies from East to West or the other way round. Travelling from West to East is more exhausting since it entails a shortening of the day.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">In itself, jet lag is caused by disturbances in the body's homeostasis which take place during travel. It is a disturbance in physiological processes brought about by the change in the circadian rhythm. The functions that belong to them include, among others: sleep-wakefulness, motility of the digestive system, and basic metabolism. Most functions are connected with the rhythm of secreting sleep hormones - melatonin and cortisol.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Symptoms of jet lag</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">What does jet lag look like? First of all, it prevents the body from being at ease. The body cannot fall asleep, cannot concentrate, and sends signals of total exhaustion. Moreover, there comes a feeling of malaise, a lack of appetite, and digestive problems. Additionally, one has to deal with sleepiness, disorientation, or headache.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>How to fight jet lag?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">There are many things you can do to manage jet lag. Of course, they depend on the way the passenger is travelling. We have already mentioned the direction of the flight, but another important thing is the number of time zones one is traversing. Flights to Moscow and to Tokyo are two very different experiences in that regard.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">But there are many ways to fight jet lag. On the one hand, we can do certain things before the flight itself. We can eat light meals, reduce alcohol and caffeine intake, and rest. The better a passenger rests before the flight, the easier it will be for them to engage in proper acclimatisation after the landing. In general, jet lag is unpleasant, but it passes on its own after several days.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Still, we can make it go away faster. It is not only an appropriate attitude but also suitable medication that will help. For example, taking a light sleeping drug and sleeping during the flight can be a good option. Another would be taking an appropriate dose of melatonin which will prevent jet lag:</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">- in the case of eastward flights: 2 days before the planned departure 1-6 mg of melatonin around 7 p.m., followed by the same dose one hour before sleep for the next 4 days;<br />- in the case of westward flights: 1-6 mg of melatonin an hour before sleep for 4 days after landing.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Some tips for before a flight</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">An incredibly important element of flying eastward or westward through time zones is a proper preparation beforehand. It is a good idea to take into consideration some tips in order to be able to easily cope with jet lag.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">a. Sleep hygiene - tiring the organism out before a flight is not a good idea. It is good to sleep naturally and take care to be well-rested.<br />b. In the case of an eastward flight, going to bed a little earlier than normally may be helpful. For a flight in the opposite direction, it is good to go to bed a little bit later. However, it cannot be too big a difference.<br />c. Short trips do not require sudden changes in our habits - which means that you can sleep and eat at normal times. But if a passenger goes abroad for longer, they should adapt to the daily rhythm of their destination. Thanks to that, it will be easier to avoid disturbances in metabolism.<br />d. If possible, it is worthwhile to arrive at the destination a little earlier, so as to give the body a chance to acclimatise itself. It is quite important, which is why one should give themselves two or three days in a given place before a planned business meeting.<br />e. It is not necessary to change our habits and try to give up our normal lifestyle. But it will be helpful to slightly adjust it to the conditions we find at our destination. For example, you should still exercise regularly. But it is important not to do it before sleep.</p>",
"lead": "Travelling by air has made traversing many time zones in a short period of time natural. Alongside it, there came a feeling of tiredness, a sense of haziness, and disturbances in the daily rhythm. Jet lag can happen to anyone and, importantly, it is easily noticeable but also definable and it can be managed. What should a passenger know about jet lag?",
"image": {
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"date": "29.07.2019",
"author": ""
"id": 9,
"slug": "briefly-and-to-the-point-rights-and-responsibiliti",
"title": "Briefly and to the Point - Rights and Responsibilities of a Passenger",
"content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>General terms of passenger protection</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The basic regulations concerning passengers' rights are delineated by European Union laws. That is why they apply first of all to all flights on the EU territory and to carriers from countries that belong to the Commonwealth. The passengers are therefore protected during a flight beyond the borders of the EU if the airport of departure or the target airport is located on its territory.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Right to assistance</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The fundamental right of the passenger is the right to assistance. The airline is obliged to provide support for a passenger whose flight was cancelled or is significantly delayed, or who was not allowed to board a plane against their will and actions. Within this kind of assistance, passengers have to be provided with food and drinks, two phone calls, fax messages or e-mails, as well as with accommodation in a hotel for the time required by the situation and with transport to the accommodation.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">However, it is good to know that a passenger is not entitled to this help if:</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">- The delay is shorter than 2 hours (in the case of flights under 1500 km),<br />- The delay is shorter than 3 hours in the case of intra-Community flights (flights over 1500 km).<br />- The delay is shorter than 3 hours in the case of flights other than intra-Community flights (flights between 1500 km and 3500 km),<br />- The delay is shorter than 4 hours in the case of flights other than intra-Community flights (flights over 300 km).</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Right to compensation</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">In a situation where the carrier did not guarantee a proper execution of a service as a result of a situation that was not the passenger's fault, the passenger has a right to compensation. It is always regulated by separate EU regulations and can be higher than what is prescribed in the act.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The first situation in which the right to compensation may be activated is an event in which the passenger is denied boarding against their will and not as a result of their actions or because of a cancellation of the flight. Then, the carrier is obligated to pay compensation. It is predetermined and consists of:</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">- 250 euro for flights under 1500 km,<br />- 400 euro for flights within the EU over 1500 km,<br />- 400 euro for flights other than those within the EU between 1500 km and 3500 km,<br />- 600 euro for flights other than those within the EU over 3500 km.<br />That, however, is only a general regulation. The amount may be higher, but it may also be cut in half in the event of the carrier guaranteeing the time of arrival of the alternate flight to be no later than:</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">- two hours for flights under 1500 km,<br />- three hours for flights within the EU above 1500 km or flights other than those within the EU between 1500 km and 3500 km,<br />- four hours for flights other than those within the EU over 3500 km.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Right to reimbursement of the full price of the ticket and to free return</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">If a given flight is delayed over 5 hours or was cancelled, the passenger has the right to reimbursement of the full price of the purchased ticket and to the arrangement of a free return by the carrier in conditions that are proper and advantageous for the passenger. Importantly, if the passenger signs a written consent, the reimbursement may take the form of a voucher or a service.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Responsibilities of the passenger</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Passengers do not have only rights, however. Every passenger has the responsibility to comply with not only the general standards but also the internal regulations of behaviour during a flight. As a result of not observing the regulations, a passenger may be expelled from the plane or denied boarding. In that event, they will not have the right to reimbursement. It is then very important to remember about it.</p>",
"lead": "Passengers have certain rights which have to be respected by every airline. Each passenger has to know their rights and be aware of how they should be complied with by the carrier. On the other hand, the regulations established by the carrier are binding for passengers in an equal degree, that is not following them may result in penalties. From the perspective of a passenger, it is important to know what exactly are the rights that we have.",
"image": {
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"thumbnail": ""
"date": "29.07.2019",
"author": ""
"id": 8,
"slug": "the-worlds-busiest-airports",
"title": "The World's Busiest Airports",
"content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>General statistics</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">General statistics show that the trend is steady. Overall, all airports, and so the industry as such, gained over 7% in 2018, as compared with 2017, when it comes to the number of passengers carried. Air traffic has intensified and reached the highest 3% since 2004. What it shows is that flying has lately become something natural and completely accessible. It also translates into the business of airports all around the world. What airports are in the top ten?</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport - USA</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">First, a fairly big surprise. Not regarding the aerodrome itself, since the airport located in the state of Georgia has been the most crowded aerodrome in the world for years. In 3 years, the number of passengers has grown by 20 million, that is almost 25%. In 2018, it has served 103 902 992 people. That is 8 million more than the second airport on the list. What is the surprise then? As the only airport on the list, this one has experienced a drop in the number of passengers. By exactly 0,3%.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Beijing Capital International Airport - China</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">In the past several years, the Asian market has been growing the fastest when it comes to aviation. Even though the USA is still number one, the Chinese airport in the country's capital is drawing near to Atlanta. In the past year, it has served almost 96 million passengers. It was a small increase, by 1,5%, in proportion to the results from 2017.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Dubai International Airport - The United Arab Emirates</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The third place belongs to an airport in Dubai. It is often referred to as a mega-airport and it is not an exaggeration. It is the biggest airline hub in the Middle East and the second airport in Asia. It was an exceptional year for the Dubai airport because the increase in the number of passengers reached as much as 5,5%. Last year, the airport served a little over 88 million passengers. It still has some way to go to catch up with the Chinese giant, but the difference has definitely shrunk.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport) - Japan</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The fourth place and the third Asian airport. What is more, an increase is still being recorded in the annual number of its passengers. There were 85 million of them at Haneda Airport and the increase amounted to 6,5% as compared with 2017. This airport is now not far behind the podium and has just a small advantage over number five, so every new year can bring a change. However, it is competing with the airport from Beijing and the famous Changi in Singapore for the title of the best airport in Asia.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Los Angeles International Airport - USA</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Number five on the ACI list belongs to the famous LAX, that is the Los Angeles Airport. As has been said, it is not far behind number four, the Haneda Airport - the difference is smaller than 1 million passengers. In 2018, over 84 million passengers landed in and flew from LA. But it was not as much of a spectacular increase as in the case of the airports in Dubai or Japan, since it amounted to \"only\" 4,5%. In 2016, LAX was the fourth busiest airport, but for the last two years that place has been taken by Haneda. This year it is the same.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>London Heathrow Airport - Great Britain</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">We need to start with a small correction. Number six on the list is an airport in Chicago with its 79 million passengers, while Heathrow is only on the seventh place. Why do we mention it here then? Because it is the busiest airport in Europe. With over 78 million passengers, it leaves behind the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (69 million, number 10) and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (68 million, number 11).</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The aviation market is growing more and more buoyantly. In the coming years, even more airports will reach and go above the barrier of 100 million passengers. 2019 will already be record-breaking in this respect and the third decade of the 20th century is expected to bring a real revolution when it comes to flying.</p>",
"lead": "Year by year, the aviation market is developing towards serving a growingly large number of passengers. Nearly every airport is breaking records, opening new connections, and priding itself on more and more impressive statistics. From the point of view of the passenger, it is useful to learn which airports are now the busiest. Here is a list based on the data published by Airports Council International (ACI).",
"image": {
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"thumbnail": ""
"date": "15.07.2019",
"author": "E"
"id": 7,
"slug": "overbooking-and-bumping-how-airlines-make-profit-o",
"title": "Overbooking and Bumping: How Airlines Make Profit on Passengers",
"content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>What is overbooking?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The aim of airlines is to make money. But the requirements concerning the transportation of passengers on planes are very restrictive. It is obvious that the more people are on a plane, the more proceeds go to the airline. However, very often people change their minds, do not appear at the boarding, or simply run late and miss it. As a result, some of the seats on a plane are free and unused. In order to avoid that, airlines sell more tickets than de facto there are seats on the plane, expecting that, in the end, someone will surely change their mind and not fly. De jure, this tactic is not chargeable. This is what overbooking means.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Overbooking vs. bumping</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">But the phenomenon of overbooking is not among those most problematic. Let us emphasise that in most cases, on any given flight, somebody will not appear at the boarding. Then there are no complications - there are enough seats, and the airline makes more money. However, if all passengers come to the airport, one of them has to be informed about the necessity of putting their flight off and about not being allowed to board the plane. This is what bumping is.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Legal regulations</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Curiously enough, there are no legal regulations which would protect consumers from this kind of behaviour. From the point of view of the law, overbooking is legal. That is why there is no doubt that airlines will be making use of this sort of practices - because they are profitable for them. Thanks to these practices - among other things - airlines can offer their passengers lower ticket prices. Even though, as the Polish Ombudsman emphasises, overbooking is solely the carrier's fault, it is the passenger who decides to take the risk. The problem is, the airline does not even have to inform the passenger about this.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>What can the passenger count on?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">It is good to know what legal proceedings a consumer who was \"bumped\" can take. Importantly, despite the lack of regulations regarding overbooking, compensations for bumping are clearly defined. Here we can see a great willingness to protect consumers. European Union regulations, specifically the Flight Compensation Regulation 261/2004, shows that the recompense for a flight uncompleted because of the carrier as a result of overbooking is compensation and a ticket for the next flight. The phenomenon itself is not specified, which means that the regulations concerning a flight cancellation are binding also in the case of overbooking.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Amount of compensation</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The regulation from 2004 informs that on the EU territory, flights under 1500 km entail a 250 euro compensation. That is the minimal amount since the passenger can point out a number of various inconveniences connected to the postponed take-off. Additionally, if the next flight is to take place the following day, the passenger is provided with accommodation in a hotel and with food vouchers. The bigger the distance of the original flight, the higher the amount of the compensation:</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">- under 1500 km - 250 euro,<br />- between 1500 km and 3500 km - 400 euro,<br />- over 3500 km - 600 euro.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>A way to travel?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Of course, The Civil Aviation Authority accepts complaints against the workings of an airline when it comes to overbooking, but - as it turns out - they are not frequent. Why? First of all, because of the high compensations offered by airlines. Carriers make so much money on overbooking that taking care of the passengers in the case of bumping is fairly easy. It just pays off.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">On the other hand, it also pays off for the passengers. That is because they can receive high compensations and this way simply travel cheaper. Sometimes passengers look for those kinds of routes on purpose. They learn how to get \"bumped\" in order to get compensation and a guarantee of a flight. Thanks to that, the price of a ticket is quickly recovered.</p>",
"lead": "The phenomena behind the terms overbooking and bumping are well-known to many people who fly regularly. If a passenger of an airline encounters this kind of a problem, they have to know what steps to take and what to do next in order to lawfully receive compensation.",
"image": {
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"thumbnail": ""
"date": "06.05.2019",
"author": "DelayFix"
"id": 6,
"slug": "top-10-the-most-unusual-airports-in-the-world",
"title": "Top 10. The Most Unusual Airports in the World",
"content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>Don Mueang International Airport - Thailand</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">One of the most interesting airports in the world, second biggest in Thailand. Don Mueang is constantly teeming with life but not only because of the passengers and airplanes. That is because between its airstrips there is a ... golf course. A red light warns the players about danger during a game.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Courchevel Altiport - Courchevel</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The French airport is a starting base on a journey to the mecca of winter sports in the homeland of Napoleon. At the same time, among all the international airports in Europe, this one is situated at the highest point. The Courchevel Airport is also an exceptional airport in regards to the degree of difficulty of landing and take-off. It is located in the Alps, has a very short airstrip (525 m), and its individual points are situated at different heights.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Lukla Airport - Nepal</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">One of the most dangerous airports in the world and the one situated at the highest elevation. It is the last stop before climbing the highest mountain in The Himalayas. The airstrip of this airport is only 460 meters long. Moreover, it is only 20 meters wide, so there is really not much room. At the end of the airstrip, there is a 600 m precipice. Without a doubt, it is one of the most technically difficult airports.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Sea Ice Runway - The Antarctic</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Unusual but, in spite of appearances, a very comfortable and safe airport. It is located on ice underneath which there is the ocean. The airport was laid out near an American base and it can accommodate even the biggest machines. Curiously, pilots who land there say that the security of operations is almost identical as in the case of landing on concrete.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Princess Juliana International Airport - Sint Maarten</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">An airport which has been much-spoken about for many years. First of all because its location almost touches the lovely Maho Beach. Every time great airliners land in Sint Maarten, vacationers relaxing on the beach can admire them - from the distance of 20-30 m. All thanks to the short airstrip and the specific character of the setting. In 2017, Hurricane Irma destroyed the airport, but it has already started functioning again.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Gisborne Airport - New Zealand & Gibraltar International Airport - Gibraltar</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Why are those two airports being mentioned together? They are both characterised by something exceptional, namely ... an intersection. In the case of New Zealand, it is an intersection of a normally functioning railway line and the airport. In Gibraltar, it is the Winston Churchill Avenue that intersects with the airport. In both cases, the traffic has to be stopped in order for the planes to take off.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Kansai International Airport - Japan</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Why do people make airports on the water? Because of practicability. That was the reason for the creation of an artificial island and the airport on it - the Kansai Airport in Japan. But landing there is not the most pleasant. Even though the airstrip is long and comfortable, the entirety of the terrain is vulnerable to tsunamis, high tides, and the island itself is slowly disintegrating, going underwater. Soon, this airport will cease to exist.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Madeira International Airport - Portugal</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">A charming Portuguese island is one of the most visited places in the country famous for the music of Fado and for Port wine. That is why it was decided to expand the airport which had not been able to accommodate the biggest machines. It became possible thanks to the elongation of the airstrip. How was it done? Because of the lack of space, engineers chose to make it longer by putting it on a solid construction of concrete piles 70 m high. On one side, the airport is surrounded by elevations, on the other - the ocean. So the sight is incredible.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport - USA</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Special from the point of view of history. There are two gravestones of the Dotson family members on the airport plate. The land was private and the airport authorities could not find the family's descendants. As a result, the bodies remained in their place which is now under the airstrip.</p>",
"lead": "Travelling on a plane is for almost everyone. 200 000 flights every day, 20 000 airliners in the sky at the same time, and almost 4 bn passengers served a year. No wonder then that flying is considered to be the safest mode of communication. All the more so in places that could compete with many a tourist mecca when it comes to how unusual they are. Here are the most exceptional airports in the world.",
"image": {
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"src_x1": "",
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"thumbnail": ""
"date": "03.05.2019",
"author": "DelayFix"
"id": 5,
"slug": "article",
"title": "Uziemienie Boeingów 737 MAX – co pasażer wiedzieć powinien?",
"content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>Szybka reakcja na katastrofę</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Jeden z najnowocześniejszych samolotów na świecie, nowy model Boeinga 737 – MAX – został uziemiony w wyniku drugiej w przeciągu kilku miesięcy katastrofy. Tym razem, po listopadowym wypadku w Indonezji, rozbił się samolot linii Ethiopian Airlines. Reakcją na drugą, podobnie wyglądającą katastrofę było najpierw zamknięcie przestrzeni lotniczej przez narodowe urzędy lotnictwa, a następnie wydanie zakazu lotów Boeingami 737 MAX nad Europą przez Agencję Bezpieczeństwa Lotniczego Unii Europejskiej (EASA).</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Ostatnim, który ostatecznie uziemił flotę Boeingów były Stany Zjednoczone. Chwilę później Boeing wydał oświadczenie, w którym zapewniał o bezpieczeństwie, ale decydował o wstrzymaniu eksploatacji wszystkich maszyn oraz o zaprzestaniu wykonywania dostaw kolejnych modeli. </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Odwołane loty?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Efekt? Przede wszystkim problemy dla linii lotniczych i pasażerów. Wiele lotów zostało odwołanych, gdyż linii nie stać było na szybkie wyczarterowanie samolotów zastępczych. Najmniejsze problemy mieli narodowi przewoźnicy, tacy jak polski LOT, którzy bez większych trudności zmienili maszyny. Jednak każda zmiana pociąga za sobą zmianę w rozkładzie lotów, a to odbija się na pasażerach. Dlatego każda z linii stara się zrobić wszystko, by nie dopuścić do eskalacji odwołań i opóźnień.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Problem ten, jak przewiduje branża lotnicza, może potrwać nawet do wakacji, kiedy linie zwiększają przepustowość, a w tym roku robiły to w oparciu o dostawy nowych Boeingów 737 MAX. Biorąc pod uwagę trwające dochodzenie, ponowne włączenie bezpieczniejszych maszyn do flot może nastąpić dopiero za kilka miesięcy.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Prawa pasażerów w związku z uziemieniem</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Warto zatem zwrócić uwagę na prawa pasażerów, które obowiązują w przypadku odwołania czy przełożenia lotu. W tym wypadku prawo nie różnicuje się. Oznacza to, że obowiązują przepisy co do zasady stosowane przy normalnym, niespowodowanym uziemieniem opóźnieniem czy niedopełnieniem obowiązków ze strony przewoźnika. Pasażer musi otrzymać informacje o zmianach w locie, w przeciwnym wypadku będzie przysługiwało mu prawo do otrzymania rekompensaty i odszkodowania.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">W tym wypadku zatem kwoty zwrotu prezentują się następująco (w przypadku lotów na terenie Unii Europejskiej):</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">lot do 1500 km – 250 euro,<br />lot w przedziale 1500 km – 3500 km – 400 euro,<br />lot powyżej 3500 km – 60 euro.<br />Na terenie innych krajów, np. USA czy krajów azjatyckich nie obowiązują jednak te same prawa, dlatego większość takich zgłoszeń rozpatrywana jest na podstawie prawa miejscowego.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Sytuacja w powietrzu a obowiązki linii</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Jednak osobną kwestią była sytuacja, w której samoloty znajdowały się w powietrzu podczas ogłoszenia decyzji o zamknięciu dla nich przestrzeni powietrznej. Wówczas piloci musieli szukać miejsca do lądowania. Wiele z maszyn trafiało do miejsc pozaeuropejskich, np. do Afryki. Jak wówczas kształtuje się kwestia odszkodowań?</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Pasażerowie, którzy znajdują się na pokładzie lub którzy w momencie bliskim ogłoszeniu decyzji mieli lecieć Boeingiem 737 MAX, nie mogą powoływać się na większość normalnych przepisów europejskich, gwarantujących prawo do odszkodowania. Oczywiście linia lotnicza ma obowiązek zadbać o pasażerów w trakcie międzylądowania i szukania nowego samolotu, jednak nie ma tu mowy o wypłacie odszkodowania.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Sytuacje nadzwyczajne, niewynikające z winy przewoźnika są bowiem wyjęte w myśl konwencji montrealskiej czy rozporządzeń Unii Europejskiej odnoszących się do prawa pasażerów.</p>",
"lead": "Katastrofa samolotu etiopskich linii lotniczych z początku marca wywołała szerokie konsekwencje w świecie lotniczym. Podstawowym następstwem tego wypadku było wstrzymanie eksploatacji maszyn tego samego rodzaju, który rozbił się pod Adis Abebą. To problem, nie tylko dla każdej z linii lotniczych czy producenta samolotu, ale także dla pasażerów.",
"image": {
"src": "",
"alt": "",
"src_x1": "",
"src_x2": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"date": "01.05.2019",
"author": "DelayFix"
"id": 4,
"slug": "legal-aspects-of-a-cancelled-flight-what-can-you-d",
"title": "Legal Aspects of a Cancelled Flight - What Can You Do and What Are You Not Entitled to?",
"content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>A delayed flight - information</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">If your flight is delayed, you should be immediately informed about this fact. Especially in a situation where the delay is reaching more than 60 minutes. If the following waiting period is prolonged, you have to be informed about it each time. It is important to know that in the case of a two hour-long delay the carrier should offer you appropriate nourishment. However, sometimes in the end you will see an information about the cancellation of the flight on the board.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>A cancelled flight and the position of the passengers</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">A cancelled flight is always a problem. No matter when and where the information will reach you. For the passengers, the situation is the more difficult the farther from home they are. In such an event, the carrier is obliged by certain standards.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">When a flight is prolonged by more than 6 hours<br />In this case you can apply for a compensation for the delayed flight and a return flight to the airport you started your journey from.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">When take-off is planned for another day<br />In a situation like this one, the carrier has to provide the passenger with accommodation for the night in a hotel and transportation to and from the hotel.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Obligations of the carrier in the case of a cancelled flight</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">When it turns out that a flight has been cancelled, the reason for that fact is important. In most cases the carrier is obliged to inform the passengers about the next flights to the target airport and has to provide them with assistance adequate to the amount of waiting time before the alternate flight. The passengers have a right to get their money back and to a free return to the airport where their journey has started. It has to be arranged for the first possible flight.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Compensation for a cancelled flight</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">If it is found that a flight has been cancelled even though the carried could have avoided that situation, the passenger may be entitled to a compensation from the airline. The amount of the compensation is determined by international law:</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">In the case of flights under 1500 km, we are entitled to the standard 250 euro;<br />In the case of flights between counties of the European Union over 1500 km or beyond the EU territory over 1500 km but under 3500 km, we are entitled to a compensation of 400 euro;<br />In the case of other flights, the amount of compensation has been set at 600 euro.<br />It is good to remember that compensation is determined in a standard way and it does not have to be the final amount. That is why it is worthwhile to seek solutions that exactly mirror our own situation, since a compensation may cover not only our losses but also gains coming from the flight that has not been completed.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>When are you not entitled to a compensation?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Nevertheless, you will not always be entitled to a compensation for a cancelled flight. It is a good idea to remember that you can get your money back only when the carrier has not informed you about the cancellation beforehand. If you receive such information two weeks before the day of the flight, you cannot count on any compensation. The situation is different if the carrier informs you about the cancellation a week before it is scheduled. If they offer you a connection beginning no earlier than 2 hours before and no later than 4 hours after, you are not entitled to a compensation.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Situations exempt from compensation</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Of course, we should remember that some events are not covered by the right to compensation. Such an event is, for example, a volcanic eruption which paralyses air traffic in a large area. In the case of chance occurrences, usually connected to the weather, delays and cancellations of flights are normal and they are exempted from rules concerning the appellate procedure.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">In a grand majority of cases, a cancellation of a flight means that we can count on a compensation. Even though the legal provisions regulate its amount, this fact does not eliminate the possibility of pursuing claims further and getting a much higher compensation from the airline. So it pays to know your rights and benefit from the help of experts in order to recover what you have lost because of the delay.</p>",
"lead": "An interrupted flight, a plane delayed for undetermined reasons, a failure on the airport plate, or a simple delay ... There are many reasons for a flight being postponed. The important thing is to know what you can expect and how you should react to problems associated with a cancelled flight.",
"image": {
"src": "",
"alt": "",
"src_x1": "",
"src_x2": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"date": "18.03.2019",
"author": ""
"id": 3,
"slug": "article-2",
"title": "Nie zdążyłem na samolot z powodu opóźnienia autobusu. Co robić?",
"content": "<p class=\"content\">Co się dzieje, gdy pasażer nie stawia się na lot?<br />W normalnych warunkach, niestawienie się na lot powoduje przepadek biletu. Konsekwencją takiego zdarzenia jest oczywisty brak możliwości dochodzenia odszkodowania. W momencie, w którym lot rejsowy odbywa się zgodnie z planem, a konsument nie pojawia się w samolocie lub gdy odmówiono mu wejścia na pokład, mimo że samolot jest jeszcze na pasie, lecz bramki zostały już zamknięte, linia lotnicza może odmówić jakichkolwiek praw roszczeniowych. Przewoźnik wychodzi tu bowiem z założenia, że wina leży jednoznacznie po stronie pasażera. Czy aby na pewno?</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Powód ma znaczenie?<br />Jednak czasami zdarza się, że przyczyna spóźnienia i niestawienia się w odpowiednim czasie na lotnisku nie leży po stronie pasażera. Dobrym przykładem jest historia pana Jana (imię zmienione), który kilka tygodni temu wybierał się lotem jednego z tanich przewoźników do fińskiego Turku. Jako że nie mieszka on w miejscu, w którym znajduje się lotnisko, musiał założyć dojazd na lotnisko odpowiednim środkiem transportu.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Pociąg, który został do lotniska doprowadzony linią bezpośrednią, nie zatrzymuje się w miejscowości zamieszkania pana Jana, więc jedynym wyjściem pozostał autobus. Kilka firm oferuje dojazd busami na lotnisko, co w założeniu ma być wygodne i przyjemne. Czas przyjazdu wypadał na 2 godziny i 15 minut przed rozpoczęciem obsługiwania pasażerów wspomnianego lotu. Niestety, po drodze bus miał awarię, w wyniku której podróż wydłużyła się o kilka godzin. W efekcie na lotnisko pan Jan dotarł już po zamknięciu gate’u.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Zgodnie z prawem linia lotnicza odmówiła wypłacenia odszkodowania za lot. Jednak spóźnienie wynikło z niedopatrzenia przewoźnika autobusowego, a więc jest niezależne od pasażera. Czy w takim wypadku pan Jan miał prawo domagać się odszkodowania od przedsiębiorstwa autobusowego, także z tytułu szkód poniesionych przez niestawienie się na lot?</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">I co teraz?<br />Jak najbardziej. Zakres odszkodowania jest zależny od indywidualnych uwarunkowań oraz rzeczywistej szkody, jaką pasażer mógł ponieść. Działanie ze strony linii lotniczej mówi jasno – jeśli pasażer nie odbędzie lotu nie z winy przewoźnika lotniczego, odszkodowanie mu się nie należy. Dlatego swoje kroki należy niezwłocznie skierować do przewoźnika, który był realnym sprawcą opóźnienia.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Działaj od razu!<br />Wezwanie do zapłaty powinno być skierowane do przewoźnika autobusowego jak najszybciej. Jeśli wiemy, że tak się zdarzyło, musimy działać od razu. W tym wypadku mamy dwie drogi postępowania.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">1. Wystąpienie o odszkodowanie za opóźnienie</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Odszkodowanie za opóźnienie autobusu, busa czy innego środka transportu kołowego należy się z urzędu. Zgodnie z rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady UE z dnia 16 lutego 2011 r. dotyczącego praw pasażerów w transporcie autobusowym i autokarowym jest ono uzależnione od czasu, jaki minął od godziny docelowego przybycia do przybycia faktycznego. W tym wypadku przewoźnik zwykle wypłaca pieniądze bez odmowy. Nie jest to jednak odszkodowanie za spóźnienie się na samolot.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">2. Wystąpienie z pozwem o rekompensatę szkód wyrządzonych przez spóźnienie</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Aby takowe uzyskać, należy – na podstawie artykułu 361, paragraf 2 kodeksu cywilnego – zwrócić się z pozwem sądowym o wypłatę odszkodowania i zadośćuczynienie szkody wyrządzonej przez powstałe opóźnienie. Dotyczy to strat, jakie poniósł klient oraz korzyści, które mógłby osiągnąć. Warto nadmienić, że przewoźnik nie może powoływać się na brak winy umyślnej powstałego opóźnienia, co potwierdza wyrok Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z dn. 2 grudnia 2008 r. (sygnatura: K 37/07).</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Warto pamiętać, że prawnie pasażer może uzyskać wsparcie, nawet wówczas, gdy to nie linia lotnicza jest odpowiedzialna za opóźnienie oraz spóźnienie się na samolot. Dzięki odpowiedniemu wsparciu może on odzyskać stracone pieniądze i domagać się wypłaty zadośćuczynienia tytułem korzyści, których został pozbawiony.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><img class=\"photo\" src=\"\" alt=\"Nie zdążyłem na samolot z powodu opóźnienia autobusu. Co robić?\" /></p>\r\n<p class=\"content photo-description\">Photo by <a href=\"\">Ashim D’Silva</a> on <a href=\"\">Unsplash</a></p>",
"lead": "Pasażerowie często korzystają z pociągu lub autobusu, jako środka transportu dowożącego ich na lotnisko. Wiąże się to z zagrożeniem spóźnienia na lot, w wyniku opóźnienia kursu pociągu czy autobusu. Z pewnością warto poznać możliwe rozwiązania oraz dowiedzieć się, jak reagować w podobnych sytuacjach.",
"image": {
"src": "",
"alt": "",
"src_x1": "",
"src_x2": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"date": "17.03.2019",
"author": ""
"id": 2,
"slug": "we-have-a-new-website-see-our-new-look",
"title": "We Have a New Website! See Our New Look",
"content": "<p class=\"content\"><strong>Why no longer Opóź</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">We want to fly to new heights and in order to do that we needed a refreshed layout. But what it means is not only an aesthetic change but also an even bigger effectiveness of operations and even more work we can do for you. We are a member of the company Passenger Rights and we believe that it is our passengers who are the most important. Because of that, we had to change so that we could offer you something new and better. We hope you will be satisfied with our work.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>What is new?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">The entirety of the website is based on a new engine, thanks to which it will work even better. Air travel compensations are still the focus of our work and we are doing everything so that you can win your cases and recover money that should be yours. The new version includes not only the new and refreshed website but also a more efficient way of communicating, a greater transparency of operations, and greater possibilities. We want to help you get your 600+ back! That is why we have launched something new, to be even better at fighting for compensations from airlines.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>We still work the same</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">But the way we work is not changed! You spare just a moment to check if your case qualifies for a fight for compensation. Fill out the form, attach all the necessary documents, and send it to us online. We do all the rest for you! We analyse your case, call on the airline to make the payment, and, if a need arises, file a motion in court. The third step is now only to get your compensation and your additional funds for future flights or to be used as you see fit.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><strong>Use the new possibilities</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Learn what rights you have. The Passenger Rights Foundation takes care to make sure that every passenger knows what they can expect from a carrier. Remember that even in an event of a one hour delay you should receive an appropriate information. Every next delay or cancellation puts additional responsibilities on the airline: issuing food vouchers, compensation for the flight or switch to another flight. You have your rights and with us you can fight for them. Visit our new website - - and see that you are not left to your own devices. Remember to always keep track of our news and not to hesitate to consult us. We are here to help you.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Easier communication</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Thanks to opening our new website, we can more easily assist you in your fight for compensation. We have simplified our contact form and, what is more, now you can also call us. All so that you can get your compensation for a delayed flight much faster and much more easily. In each of the tabs you will find a different aspect of our work. Check out the terms and the price list and see how much you can gain and what you can count on. In the \"Foundation\" tab you will learn more about your rights and the work of Passenger Rights. In the FAQ, you will see the most frequently asked questions that can prove useful to you. Our new website means a transparency of operations and an ease of finding information.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"><br /><strong>Who are we?</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">On our new website, you will find data from the best specialists in air law, international law, and domestic law, which means that you can be sure that any information you get from us will be binding. We do our best to perfect our staff and the new website helps us present them to you. Put your trust in us, just like thousands of people who have been with us for four years. Remember that you are entitled to indemnity or compensation which we are assisting with.</p>\r\n<p class=\"content\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"content\">Do not hesitate before asserting your own rights. A cancellation of your flight is not just your problem. Knowing the industry, we want to get to anyone who needs help. We like to fly ourselves and we know how important it is to have a quiet flight and to reach the destination safely. That is why we are here - with our new look - especially for you!</p>",
"lead": "Hundreds of hours devoted to discussing the possibilities, thousands of minutes of work on the details, hectolitres of coffee drunk during the works, and many a disagreement over the final effect. This is how we could summarise the battle we have fought to bring this change to you - show you our new layout and our new look. Finally, it is here! We are proud to present you with our new website.",
"image": {
"src": "",
"alt": "",
"src_x1": "",
"src_x2": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"date": "15.03.2019",
"author": ""
"total_pages": 18